The Armas Creative Cooperative is looking for new members who work as freelancers in the creative industry. Current members include filmmakers, actors, musicians, writers, and theater makers.
Through the cooperative, members can invoice their work. 10% of each invoice (7% for invoices over €2,000 and 5% for invoices over €3,000) goes to accounting and financial management, which are handled by the cooperative members and the surplus money goes to the cooperative’s common treasury. So no one makes a profit from the work of others and the aim is to create a common platform that supports freelancers in a precarious position.
This is implemented, among other things, by collecting common capital, through which it is possible to acquire production equipment intended for the use of members, such as cameras and means of transport, and to enable workspaces, etc.
The initial investment upon joining is €150, which is refunded if the member decides to end their membership. Members do not need to run their own business or worry about administration and accounting, as everything is handled jointly on behalf of the cooperative and these costs are paid from the cooperative’s share in each invoice.